3 July 2011

REread upcycled brooches

Did you notice the cool brooch that Sun on Masterchef was wearing this week? It was handmade by our very own Haylee Lees of REread in Brisbane.

Hayley salvages children's books that are being thrown out, or from markets to create her one-of-a-kind animal brooches, finished with resin. Anyone who reads the REread blog or follows Hayley on Twitter will know that she has a wicked sense of humour, and this is evident in many of her quirky brooches. Perfect to pin on coats, scarves and beanies with this chilly weather!

You can find REread brooches in the Etsy store as well as various markets (keep an eye on the REread blog for details).

REread brooches will also be available this Saturday at the BrisStyle Indie Designers Market in Brisbane (an excellent market!), 9th July, 2011, 9am-2pm at St Augustine Church Hall and grounds, Racecourse Rd, Hamilton, NSW. In fact, this was the very market that I bought a REread cat brooch at for my sister in Vancouver a few years ago (hope you like it J!)

Images: Top images - REread. Bottom image - Steph Bond


  1. Can you hear my heart squealing?! So beautiful!!
    recycling is so inspiring and can be done is so many ways!

    Xo Steph

  2. Awe schucks .... Thanks for the lovely post!


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