14 June 2013

Rachel Castle's kids' rooms in I Love My Room book by Megan Morton

If you follow uber-stylist and champion-of-beauty Megan Morton on any social media, you will know that her exuberance and love of life is infectious. This joyfulness has translated beautifully into her new book showcasing... wait for it... children's rooms!!!! I Love My Room documents kids' rooms with heart and soul, by some of Australia's most talented parents.

Would you like a sneak peek? I'm so thrilled to showcase the rooms of artist/homewares designer Rachel Castle's children Cleo (10) and Lucky (7) in Sydney. The use of judicious colour against a neutral base and lots of Rachel's lovely artwork is right up my alley. I think this book might have been written just for me.

Cleo and Lucky's rooms feature Rachel's Castle Castle bedlinen and many pieces of her beautiful artwork.

I sent some interview questions over to the unstoppable Megan Morton about these two rooms - read on for the downlow; I think you'll love it!

Rachel has the knack of creating a room that is a riot of colour but still seems put together. How can we achieve the same without it hurting the eyes?
MM: If you look closely Rachel's work because of the volume of stuff. Any less you would potentially register it as colour collisions and any more would be overkill. Like her work, she is a master of restrain in an abundant way. This is the basis of her signature and why lots of people copy her but no one really can.

Most houses seem to have a big ticket item (like a quilt or bed) gifted from a well-meaning family member that just doesn't suit our taste - how can we work an ugly piece into a room (because you know they want to see it being used)?
MM: I don't ever fall guilty to that stuff. Yolo I say! You wouldn't want your own kids to do something out of decorative obligation so you shouldn't either!

Rachel's kids' rooms have a neutral base for all that gorgeous colour. What can renters do if the walls are pre-determined? Is a colourful room still possible?
MM: Like Rachel's, most rental properties have neutral bases for which the colour plays out so joyously.

I love that Rachel forgoes the traditional bedside table for vintage chairs in the kids' rooms. Are there any other pieces that would work equally as well?
MM: I use stools as bedsides, upturned boxes, apple crates and recently sourced a planter box on a stand that has become a fabulous and super diligent bedside as the books sit up in place of plants and all the other bedside necessities are stored and the piece itself is long and skinny - perfect for this room size.

It's so great that you can embrace a cartoon icon - like Lucky's batman wall art - and still have a room that feels design-oriented. Is there any way to make a child's favourite licensed character work in their room?
MM: I would go out on a limb to say that only Rachel Castle could do it so successfully! Everything Rachel does is done with heart, not for design and especially not her kids bedrooms who she is devoted to. Her interpretation of batman wings for Lucky is purely her little love letter to him! Lucky lucky right?!

Thanks so much Megan! I Love My Room features many more kids' rooms and interviews with the kids who sleep in them. The book by Megan Morton, Jason Busch and Penny Shek is published by Thames & Hudson and will be released on Monday 17th June 2013. Head over to Megan's online store to pre-order a personalised and gift-wrapped book now. And if you're in Melbourne, head to the book signing at The Woodsfolk on Wednesday 19th June 2013 from 6:30-8:00pm.

Read more about Rachel Castle and Megan Morton here on Bondville.

Images: Megan Morton | I Love My Room

For gorgeous children's room and nursery products, head to:

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