24 May 2013

So Little Time painted wooden jewellery

I love my So Little Time wooden laser-cut earrings so much that I literally have not taken them off since my birthday. In fact I am wearing them right now! I have these cute-as-a-button neon orange dipped wood disc earrings that were given to me by my dear friend Anni...

So Little Time neon dipped wood earrings
Partners Kirsty and Josh hand-craft their earrings, brooches, and necklaces from locally-sourced or recycled wood, shaping them and painting them in their Melbourne studio. I particularly love the geo ball and faceted necklaces - like wooden crystals!

So Little Time geo facted ball necklace
So Little Time faceted geo wooden crystal necklace
 How gorgeous is this wooden locket for keeping a pic of your loved ones close to your heart...

So Little Time wooden locket necklace
I can hardly resist this sweet ice cream brooch - what a gorgeous gift or party favour for a little one...

So Little Time ince cream wooden brooch

Thank you so much Anni for such a thoughtful gift - you know me so well! x

You can find So Little Time jewellery in the online Etsy store and at the upcoming The Finders Keepers market in Sydney next weekend (their last market for a long time!). Tell them I sent you.

Images: So Little Time

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome, Steph! (I was helped out by our super shopper friend - Laura) It's easy to choose pressies for you because you have such a cool style and Laura and I love to Etsy shop! xx


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