11 April 2013

Lifted book for new Mothers by Georgina Hobson

I've long loved Georgina Hobson's styling, beautiful antique linens and vintage wares (through Perpetual One), so was excited to find out all about her self-publish book Lifted - words of honesty and hope for a Mother's heart.

A true labour of love, Lifted was written for Mothers to provide an honest and sincere voice and dialogue about the joys and the real challenges of growing your family.

Lifted began as a reflection of Georgina's experiences as a new mother and grew to include quotes and interviews with a whole range of mothers of various ages and backgrounds. The lovely testimonials that Georgina has received so far prove that Lifted is achieving its goal -  to bring comfort and hope to new parents in an authentic way. I think that's an amazing achievement - and it's pretty gorgeous too.
Each limited edition Lifted book is hand-finished with a unique wrap. Georgina has also released a sweet charm bracelet as a companion to the book - a reminder to keep the words that you connect with the most close to your heart as you work through each day. It all sorts of lovely.

You can find the Lifted book as well as companion bracelet and other lovely goodies in the online store. Keep this one in mind for Mother's Day coming up.

Images: Perpetual One.

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