19 May 2012

Local playground yarn-bombing in Sydney

Looking for something to do with the kids this weekend? How about some yarn-bombing! We found this particularly fun example in our old local playground in Artarmon today. The central tree featured the gorgeous crochet piece above, and both the swings were kitted out in knitted covers. The kids loved it, and it added a welcome dash of colour to the playground. It's so great to see members of our community being proactive about making our shared spaces fun (and beautiful) places to be.

Images: Steph Bond-Hutkin


  1. Oh that makes me happy. Love yarn bombing x

  2. That's great. There's a yarn bombing happening up my way with a "heart" theme. I really need to get on and knit me some hearts. I started crocheting them but my crochet skills aren't really up to scratch and they looked like other body parts. Not good.


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