5 March 2012

Party Ideas: Zac's 4th Superhero Party

Zac loves superheroes, so with a palette of red, yellow, blue and orange, some great printables, and fantastic capes and masks for the kids, Zac's Mum Tamara put together a superhero party that he will remember for a long time. Tamara always makes amazing cakes, and this party was no exception, with Zac's very own mask cake. Luckily Tamara's sister Fran is also a creative soul and handmade the felt masks ensuring that every child got to feel like a superhero for the day. Thanks for sharing Tam!

Party: Zac’s 4th Birthday Party

Organised by: Zac’s mum, Tamara

Location: Willoughby, NSW

Theme: Superheros

Initiations: Superhero invitations designed by Bec from Lorenzo’s Playground. The mask and cityscape meant the invitation was not super hero-specific. Bec also designed a thank you card (email) for me which I sent out the following week.

Cake: A large rectangular chocolate cake was cut into the shape of the superhero mask from the invitation. I covered it with chocolate ganache and then with a thin layer of fondant icing in bright red. I cut out blue ovals for the eyes and used a fondant icing pen for the little ‘z’s. It was a really simply concept and I think it worked out really well. Zac loved it!

Party food: It was an afternoon party so we only offered some light refreshments for the kids – fairy bread, popcorn in plastic cups, individual chip packets, lollies and some plates of fruit. A friend made the amazing cupcakes, in orange and blue icing with little masks and ‘z’s on the top. The kids absolutely loved these and started eating them the minute they arrived! We made some wedges for the adults – super easy and yummy!

Decorations: Bec from Lorenzo’s Playground made some templates for me for the bunting, using some patterns from the invitation graphic and some plain colours. These were quick to cut out and string up and very effective. I also printed out some of the mask images and stuck them on the windows.

Activities/games: Zac requested musical bob downs as the game he wanted to play. We did one round of the game, where the kids dance to music and bob down to the ground when the music stops. The last child to bob down is out and so on until you have a winner. They play this game at Zac’s childcare and he loves it. It was a little difficult as the kids at the party were all ages, so the game went on for a long time. Zac was pretty upset when he didn’t win. I think pass-the-parcel might be a better option – everyone gets a prize!

Tips: Keep it simple. The kids are really just happy to eat and play!

Something special: Zac’s Auntie Fran, who lives in England, made felt masks for all the kids! I bought some capes online from Etsy and when the guests arrived they were allowed to pick a cape and mask to wear and take home! Some of the kids came dressed as their favorite superhero, so they just took their cape/mask home at the end.


Thank you so much Tamara for sharing your son's amazing party. You can find more real Australian parties and party ideas here on Bondville.

Images: Steph Bond-Hutkin | Bondville


  1. Super cool party! Love all of the colours, decorations and masks!

  2. I love these posts, Steph. Makes me so excited about my own little girl's party. I can't wait! I'll have to, though. Her birthday is in December...

  3. I really love the mask concept and the blend of colors. Great job!

  4. Steph perfect timing on this post. Bear is having a superhero/villain party this month and I wanted to make a few things rather than have lollie bags... Cape and masks are perfect!!

    Xo Steph


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