15 February 2012

One Year Old Rowan's Worldly Bedroom

One-year-old Rowan is so lucky to have an amazing room at his Nan Roberta's house (of Rowantree Design). Roberta has injected her love of traveling into the room with the amazing world map wall mural and lots of colourful travel-related goodies. I'm particularly taken with the Goebel figurines and the map of Australia.

Room: Bedroom at Nan's house for grandson Rowan.
Age: 12 months old.
Designed by: Nan Roberta (Rowantree Design)
Location: Ashfield, NSW

Cot: 'Turin' by Growtime - perfect for small rooms appts.
Cot blanket: handmade, purchased n Bali.
World map decal: The Wall Sticker Company.
Globe mobile: ABC Home, New York City.
Boat wall art: Mathilda's Market.
Letters: a variety shop.
Figurines: Goebel of Germany, from Rowan's great grandmother (let's hope he doesn't smash them).
Map of Australia: my own. I took it home from school in the holidays to clean it when I was in the fifth grade and never took it back, I really loved it so much.
Desk and chair: bought from an op shop for my daughters back in the eighties!
Globe artwork: Mondo Cherry. I love their artwork
Cabinet: IKEA PS cabinet.
Train: handmade vintage - I found it years ago.
Book shelves: IKEA spice racks.
Letters: purchased from Spotlight and DIY covered in scrapping paper.
Wooden bike: my own. Kept in my mothers garage forever with the Squeeky Lion.
Lion: my own. The squeeky Lion was made by Driclad company in Cabramatta in the very early 60's.
Artwork: Water colour from Vietman. Hoi Ann 'Japanese bridge'.
Bunting: Crochet bunting.
Round storage boxes: Spotlight.
Pull-along Bee: Buzzy Bee (Kiwi icon).
Camera: My own box brownie (it still works).

Thank you so much Roberta. So much inspriation for little Rowan. (oh and did you notice the IKEA spice rack book shelves?!?)

For gorgeous children's room and nursery products, head to:


  1. In my next life I want to be Rowan.

  2. i love it!!! such a cool room...im redoing my youngest' boys room..

  3. You are such a clever young thing. Thank you Steph for posting this generous blog. No wonder Rowan doesn't get much sleep in here.

  4. What a lovely room for a baby! It is very cute. Great interior design!


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