23 February 2012

The best babycino ever!

OMG I finally have an internet connection again. And we moved house! I guess there is a lot of work involved in moving an internet connection for it to take 10 days (not). Kind of miffed, but in the meantime, I have been packing, and then unpacking thousands of boxes, playing house, exploring the new hood and getting out with the little ones. We braved some epic traffic to have a lovely playdate at Pyrmont Point Park and discover the world's best babycino (unless you can point me elsewhere):


I'm used to the cocoa, and one, maybe two marshmallows. But five marshmallows AND a generous sprinkling of pretty hundreds and thousands on top! My girls' eyes just about popped out of their heads. 

So now I have embraced the hundreds and thousands trend. They just make things so pretty and add a bit of magic to boring old Milo or a special ice cream treat (for sore throats, of course). There's a reason why they turn a boring old slice of bread into 'Fairy Bread'. Yes, in moderation of course.

Who else is doing hundreds and thousands on babycinos? I think we need a list of the cool cafes right here...


  1. Wow, that's an impressive babyccino! I wont show Will this blog post or he'll have me driving over to Pyrmont every day :)
    That's exciting you've moved house, I hope it's all going well and you're enjoying your new neighbourhood.

  2. Must be something in the air because I decorated 2 cakes with sprinkles and blogged about it today!! Congrats on making it through the move and looking forward to a play date soon.

  3. Love your babyccino! Thanks for sharing this post and making me smile today. This post reminds me of my childhood! Great blog.

  4. i love a good park and a babycino (for the kids) good latte for me!! this one looks fab! those hundreds and thousands are a great idea! kids go bonkers over the tiniest things! x

  5. Congrats on the move Hun!! What a load off... So my question is does the babyccino have any milk at all? Hehehe I am the only one that makes babyccinos for my kids and yes I have added 100's & 1000's once or twice. I have even added choc syrup during a moment of school holiday schananigans!!

    Xoxo Steph


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