6 February 2012

Baby Bondville's Doll Nook

We are moving house next week and as I've been starting to pack, I thought I would take a few photos of some of my favourite corners of our house.

It's an amazing space - an old Federation house with high ceilings and detailed plasterwork, Federation regulation colours (cream, green, burgundy), leadlight windows and a gorgeous garden. We are going to miss it a lot, but are looking forward to our new tree house, right on the edge of a national park.

This particular corner is my little one's doll nook, above a built-in desk. I covered the cork board with wallpaper (Bholu's Majorie Duck by Porter's Paints), and leaned against it a framed Suzy Ultman print. The ragdoll is Harriette from eeni meeni miini moh and the sweet Japanese doll was made using a new sewing kit by the red thread (to be released online in March 2012). I'll have to see where I can fit the lovely wallpaper in our new place.

Image: Steph Bond-Hutkin


  1. Sounds exciting! We're moving to a spot right on a National Park too! Can't wait to see the amazing things you do with the house! :)

  2. How exciting Steph, lots of redecorating ahead. Fun, fun,fun I look forward to your house moving posts!

  3. Thanks for your well wishes Amanda, Rebekah and Roberta :) Let's hope the internet connection is quick...

  4. Hello,
    Long time lurker, first time commenter. Could be so kind to tell me where you got the asian girl pillow in this photo? Would love to purchase one for our daughter.

    Thank you!

  5. Hi Chris and Kimberlee - so lovely to get your comment! I just updated the post with info on the ragdoll and Japanese doll pillow (the red thread). Thanks for lurking too :)


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