15 July 2015

TDF Collect art fundraiser for the ASRC

From 25 to 31 July 2015, The Design Files is hosting a fundraising art exhibition at TDF Collect by 28 Australian artists for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne. It's such an amazing organisation to support and an great opportunity to secure some beautiful art for a great cause.

The exhibition aims to raise over $40,000 for the ASRC which could provide 100,000 hot lunches for asylum seekers, groceries for the ASRC Foodbank for 6 months (feeding 200 families per week), medication for the ASRC Health Program for an entire year (supporting over 3000 medical appointments for asylum seekers without income or access to Medicare) and funding for the ASRC's Legal Coordinator for one year (managing advice and representation to over 550 asylum seekers). I think that's pretty amazing.

Exhibition details:

The Design Files Inaugural Annual Fundraiser
Open from 25 to 31 July 2015
TDF Collect
14 Little Oxford St
Collingwood, VIC

Opening 25 July 2015, 4.00pm – 6.00pm.

Participating Artists:

Kirra Jamison (VIC), Leah Fraser (NSW), Yvette Coppersmith (VIC), Julian Meagher (NSW), Miranda Skoczek (VIC), Laura Jones (NSW), Laura Skerlj (VIC), Belynda Henry (NSW), Fred Fowler (VIC), Barbara Kitallides (VIC), Elizabeth Barnett (VIC), Emma Lipscombe (WA), Liam Snootle (VIC), Sandra Eterovic (VIC), Sarah Kelk (VIC), Sean Fennessy (VIC), Rachel Castle (NSW), Stephen Baker (VIC), Billie Justice Thomson (VIC), Leila Jeffreys (NSW), Emily Ferretti (VIC), Skye Jefferys (VIC), Lucas Grogan (VIC), Evi O (NSW), Jennifer Tyers (NSW), Madeline Kidd (VIC), Minna Gilligan (VIC), Anna Varendorff (VIC), Louise De Weger (QLD).

Images: TDF Collect