26 May 2013


Surprise! I know that I've mentioned a few times that I have been working with Lisa (the red thread) on a re-design for Bondville. Ta da!!!  I am so excited about it - it's a fresh look for Bondville that allows the Australian-designed products I feature to really shine, which is a huge priority for me.

Did you see the gorgeous Bondville logo that Lisa hand drew?!? She is so talented and I am thrilled to have her mark on my site.

This is Phase I of the makeover - what do you think? (OK, don't really tell me - I only want to hear good things). You'll see some tweaks and changes continue over the next few days (read 'weeks'), so please bear with me if you notice any glitches.

Here's a little snapshot of the old design which served me so well at the time.

Bondville screenshot May 2013

Huge thanks go to Lisa for interpreting my vision and creating a phenomenal logo and helping me with layout choices and style. Also thanks to my dear Harris who is always patient with me and always helpa out when my html skills lack (like overriding template styles in CSS - he is so cool). I'll let  you know when we get to Phase II, but in the meantime, enjoy and look around!


  1. Looks absolutely gorgeous Steph! LOVE love love the logo :)

  2. Brilliant face lift Miss Bondville. Cheers to your support team.

  3. LOVE it! So fresh and lovely!

  4. Fresh, crisp and clear - love it!! <3


  5. Congrats Steph!! It is just lovely! Very happy for you.

  6. Just stopped by and the blog looks gorgeous Steph!
    Gen xx


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