23 April 2013

Pies and an English lawn party

Oh what a wonderful day we had on Sunday playing croquet and eating pie under glorious blue skies and warm sunshine at the Cheltenham Croquet Club in Sydney. Things were not looking good with torrential rain on Saturday, but the weather turned it on for a fabulous birthday party. This is my friend Laura - doesn't she look amazing!
Ant's Mexican pie scored first prize in the pie tasting competition, with second prize going to Laura's blueberry pie and Estelle nudged in third with a beautifully-presented lemon meringue pie. There was lemonade, Pimm's and croquet for the grown-ups and Harris organised sack races, egg-and-spoon races and soccer sudden death for the kids. Photos coming soon!

I also received some incredibly generous gifts, and have to share some of them with you over the next few days. What style-savvy friends I have!

Image: Steph Bond-Hutkin | Bondville


  1. Wow that looks great, never even thought of that as a party venue

  2. How wonderful! Can't wait to see MORE MORE MORE pictures! :)


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