16 April 2012

Concrete and Honey garlands and paper artwork

One of the things I love best about our abcd meetups (for art, craft and design bloggers), is just how darn nice everyone is. It's a place to make new friends, and connect the dots with online acquaintances.

One of those special people was Nicola from the Concrete and Honey blog, who I 'met' online in 2009 (see my post here). I also got to see in person her fun paper garlands that would brighten up any room, and discover her beautiful paper artwork. Don't you completely love!?!


These pieces just make me happy. It takes a well-trained eye to create pieces in just the right colours, perfectly balanced, with just the right room to breathe. Beautiful in a nursery and amazing in a young girl's room as well (or a study, or a cafe, or an office, or a living room...). I bet you are not surprised that Nicola is sweet-as-pie in real life too.
Head over to Nicola's etsy store to pick up a piece of her artwork, and over to her blog Concrete and Honey for endless inspiration.

Images: Concrete and Honey


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