23 September 2011

Trends: Whoopie Pies Part II

So Bondville readers, you are officially ahead of the curve in the party ideas department. While I was in Wheel&Barrel last week I saw not one, but two books about scrum-didli-umptioius whoopie pies, published by Murdoch Books. You'll probably remember reading about my whoopie pie trend prediction in May 2010 and then my own whoopie pie trial in December 2010. Have you tried them out yet?

My whoopie pies that I made for little Archie's first birthday.

Whoopie Cakes by Susanna Tee was published in March 2011 and the intro quotes: "Just when the cupcake seemed to have seen off all competition in the baking world, the whoopie cake has appeared from nowhere. Originating in Maine or among the packed lunches of the Amish community of Pennsylvania (depending on who you ask), the whoopie cake has whizzed to worldwide attention in a whirl of publicity".

And then Make Me: Whoopies from the Murdoch Books Test Kitchen was published in September 2011 stating: "Move over cupcakes and macarons, here come whoopies – the next big thing in baking! Make Me: Whoopies will introduce readers to the American cakey-cookie taking the world by storm. "

Maybe the good people at Murdoch Books read Bondville too. Kidding! (kind of).

I hear that whoopie pies are hugely popular in London, and yes they are easier to make than macarons. So now with two whoopie pie recipe books on the shelf/online you'll have plenty of inspiration to get stuck into them. Just be sure you make your own filling and give that scary marshmallow-creme-in-a-jar stuff a pass!

PS: I know that cake pops are the next big thing (balls of cake on the end of a stick dipped in chocolate), but the thought of them kind of grosses me out.

Images: top: Steph Bond Hutkin bottom: Murdoch Books


  1. Wow - they look delicious. I might try them this weekend for my 5 yr olds birthday party. Look much easier than macarons.

  2. Haha! We always knew you were clever :)

    Just had cake pops at a friend's birthday party here in the US ... they were laden with artificial colours I'm sure, but were also strangely ... alarmingly ... delicious.

  3. Yummy cupcake for kids. Please share recipe of whoopee. I am following your blog for more updated kids party ideas.


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