12 July 2011

Maui Sunset

We're thawing out beautifully in Maui. So far we have sampled the 'lunch plate' local cuisine, eaten 2 bunches of cheap-as-chips bananas and golden pineapples, shopped at the little farmers market nearby, barbecued flank steak with sweet local corn, eaten half a tub of pineapple salsa with crispy tortilla chips in one sitting, took our 3 year old snorkeling for the first time. And. Snorkeled with two enormous green sea turtles! Right off the beach! Here's a little glimpse from our balcony. Miss you all!


Image: Steph Bond Hutkin


  1. Steph!! I'm insanely jealous. I've run into those sea turtles over there too (quite literally). So amazing. Have an awesome time. Relax. Enjoy.

  2. Lovely to here you are socialising with the local sea turtles. Two more sleeps for the sailor and I before we zig zag ourselves around the streets of NYC socialising with the locals in Soho. Enjoy xx

  3. So totally jealous - not sure i can read your updates until you get back! Just kidding - i will live vicariously through your holidays as i sit here with a hot water bottle in my lap. Have a wonderful, beautiful, memory filled holiday.

  4. Sounds beautiful Steph, enjoy!
    Anni (Milk & Honey Photography)


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