9 April 2011

Events: Pia Jane Bijkerk's new book launches

The Australian creative community is so lucky to have a wonderful photographer, stylist, blogger and book author amongst our own. You might have joined me over the last few years reading Pia Jane Bijkerk's accounts of her life in Paris and Amsterdam, revelling in the dreamy images and living vicariously through her.

Pia's new book My Heart Wanders is launching across the country this month, a lovely memoir reflecting on 4 years of her life as she follows her heart - a celebration about taking risks, letting go, and making a home wherever you are.

Make sure you pop along to one of the book launches and pick up your own copy of this beautiful book.

When: Friday, 29th April 2011, at 6pm
Where: Ariel Books, 42 Oxford St, Paddington, NSW
RSVP: email marketing@arielbooks.com.au or call (02) 9332 4581
More info: here on Pia's blog.

When: Saturday 7th May 7, 2011, 2:30 - 5:30pm
Where: St Francis Theological College, 233 Milton Road, Milton, QLD (entrance via Baroona Rd)
Tickets: $15 per person (numbers strictly limited so get in quick). Tickets and books can be purchased from the paper boat press online store.

More info on other book events in Sydney and Melbourne to come...

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