12 February 2011

Hip Products: Cat Rabbit plush and jewellery

You want an heirloom gift for a child but don't want to go the baby spoon/silver brush and comb set/baby bracelet route (you know what I'm talking about). And you want something modern, memorable and fun. Something that they will have forever.

The totally amazing hand-crafted plush creatures from Cat Rabbit just might fit the bill. These quirky-cool pieces of art have huge personalities. Characters like the fur-covered owls, fez-adorned bears, folk costume-wearing raccoons and nerdy glass-wearing rabbits look as if they have stepped right out of a storybook

You might also like Cat Rabbit jewellery (necklaces, hair combs, brooches) or Wall Art for yourself. I just couldn't resist the raccoon cufflinks!

You can find Cat Rabbit in the Etsy store, at markets (check the blog) and at galleries and stockists around Australia (and online).

And how cool: "To celebrate the Vietnamese year of the Cat and the Chinese year of the Rabbit (hereby known as the year of the Cat-Rabbit) there is 25% off everything in the store until the 13th of February 2011!". More behind-the-scenes info on the Cat-Rabbit blog here.

Images: Cat Rabbit

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