29 January 2011

No More Telephone Books Thank You

If, like me, you haven't used an actual telephone book for years (and simply dump them in the recycling bin as soon as they arrive), you can now tell Sensis directly that take you off the delivery list!

Please take the time to click and fill in your details; this initiative will greatly reduce the amount of phone books that are printed, and that end up in land-fill (let alone take up valuable resources in a recyling plant).

Click here to go to Directory Select, and go to 'cancel books'. YAY!

Images: Sensis


  1. Thanks for sharig Steph, this is a great idea and I have just de-regisitered our household and like you ours sit in the bottom of the linen cupboard and never see the light of day

  2. Ours came super in handy when Ollie was younger and sich and we needed to prop up one end of his cot!!


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