25 January 2011

Kristen Doran for The Wall Sticker Company

Well last year, the post about the The Wall Sticker Company collaboration with Lara Cameron was one of your favourite stories, so I thought I would share another partnership that Fiona and Jen have just announced with one of my favourite designers - Kristen Doran.

Sydney-based Kristen always has her finger on the pulse and creates beautiful designs for fabric and is a favourite here at Bondville headquarters. We have matryoshka-appliqued onesies, matroshykas integrated into my big girl's special quilt, and little matryoshka softie dolls that I have sewn and stuffed for playing with.

In a similar style to the matryoshka dolls, check out Kristen's kokeshi doll design for wall stickers. Too cute huh! But the really mind-blowing design for me are the crochet granny square wall stickers. Kristen, you are a genius!!!! So many of us are labouring over our crochet (or too timid to try) and now we can get the look with your nifty sticker designs. Fab-o.

You can find Kristen Doran's wall sticker designs at The Wall Sticker Company website. While you are there check out her other gorgeous designs.


  1. Oh life is complete with Kristen wall stockers... The granny squares or on my list of things to help inspire me when we move and relocate this month... Did you just scream with delight?!?

    Xo Steph

  2. Stickers* stupid auto correct.

    Xo Steph again!!

  3. Crochet granny squares get me every time. As wall stickers they are just sensational. Awesome Kristen!
    Clare x

  4. Nice wall sticker, are they removable?


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