26 January 2011

Australia Day Pavlovas

I hope you all had a fantastic Australia Day holiday, wherever you are. We celebrated with friends at the beach in the morning and then Mr Bondville cooked up a storm with prawns, asparagus, chicken and corn on the BBQ in the afternoon, followed by my red, white and blue Aussie Day pavlovas. Cute huh!

Image: Steph Bond


  1. Your beautiful pavlova photo looks like something straight out of a Donna Hay magazine! Your day sounded fantastic especially Mr Bondville's feast.

  2. Ooh, did you have any pav left? Want to save it for me? :)

  3. Wow, those look crazy amazing and delicious! I've never had a pavlova, but I want to try one now!

  4. Amandas - you are too kind (plural).
    Melody - you must try! Crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle. Amanda #2 (above) taught me everything I know.


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