1 January 2011

Cool Websites: Pinterest

Happy New Years my friends! I hope you have some big things planned for 2011 (I have some huge ideas. Will share more soon). I have spent nearly all my holidays immersed in making boards, adding pins, re-pinning and finding amazing images from like-minded souls on Pinterest. It's dangerously addictive and just made for a serial bookmarker like me.

Think of Pinterst as a kind of virtual mood board. You can "pin" images that you have found online to your boards, re-pin others' images, and then share with your friends. The site is still in beta and you have to apply for a username, so there is a relatively small community using the site. I LOVE IT! Most of the users have incredible taste so it's truly a selection of gorgeous gorgeous finds. And it's been perfect for me to pin and find gorgeous images for inspiration for my friend's wedding later this year.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the site maintains the high level of quality images that you can find there now (please stay away junky mass marketers of the world). It's less about self-promotion and more about sharing beauty, and that's pretty awesome.

I hope you enjoy the site, and if you manage to spend some time on there, please friend me :)


  1. I have came across pin interest over the last few weeks and have just joined.

    Happy New Year xx

  2. Hey Steph Isn't it addictive?! I've been pinning for a few months and just could spend hours lost there, wandering around in all the loveliness. I'm following you now - I'm there as 'Jane 1970'. J x

  3. Thankyou........... now I will definitly have to put a timer on my computer time! :) Love it. :)

  4. I discovered pintrest the other day too...addictive.

  5. Nooooo!!!! This sounds really cool. Damn. Guess I'll have to skip that extra sleep ...

  6. Pinterest is fab! Love your boards - am now a follower. All the best.

  7. i was just accepted to join pinterest!
    very interesting!
    happy new year!


  8. Hiya Vicki, Jane, EleCat, Kathryn, Amanda, Rachel and Annie - following you all! Hope you are having fun with it.


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