12 November 2010

Weekend Wishes: Tutus & BBQ's

I hope you all had a fabulous week and are gearing up for a relaxing weekend. The weather is finally glorious in Sydney and we are excited to have some neighbourhood families around for a BBQ. So far we have Mr Bondville's famous-in-two-states-ribs, organic lamb, mint and rosemary sausages, homemade coleslaw, roast vegie and feta salad and surprise cupcakes (made with Dagoba xocolatl cocoa) on the menu. I'm also going to check out a few chairs that I might add to our sparse living room. What are you up to?

We also had a lovely week of swimming classes and park visits. This week on my personal site I wrote about our visit to the Sydney Opera House for the Babies Proms: Music for Tutus where my big girl's birthday tutu made yet another appearance.

Hopefully you have also noticed my Australian Christmas 2010 series featuring some amazing Australian designers and their products for the silly season. This week was all about Mozi, paper boat press, Polli, eeni meeni miini moh, Blueberry Paper and Dandi. The series will continue leading up until the holidays, so please send any more Aussie designs my way.

After reading this article by Donna from Funky Junky Interiors I also removed word verification and moderation from comments to make it easier for you to say Hi. Let's see how that goes. Not too much spam I hope. I'm interested to hear what you think of comments - whether you comment or not and why; if you come back to read responses; whether you email commenters on your blogs, etc. Blog Etiquette has not really been established yet in this brave new frontier and I'm watching closely to see how it pans out.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Image: Steph Bond


  1. Steph, that BBQ menu sounds so yummy. How nice is it to finally have some sunshine here in Sydney?! Fire up the barbies and roll on summer I say!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. I like to comment every now and then on blogs just so the bloggers know that I am reading and enjoying their posts (just like I'm doing now).

  3. Happy weekend to you too Kel; enjoy the sunshine. and.... slip slop slap!

    Linda - we love you for it. thank you x

  4. Your bbq sounds amazing especially since it is starting to get cold here.
    I have a wonderful giveaway today that is open to international participants. stop by!


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